Earl Rydell Retires from LREC Board of Directors

For the past 15 years, Earl Rydell has faithfully served Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC) on its board of directors. With his retirement this spring, we would like to extend our appreciation for his many years of service and take some time to reflect on Rydell’s experience serving our membership.

Rydell was elected to Lake Region Electric Cooperative’s Board of Directors in June of 2009. As an electronics/electrical engineer, he says he always had an interest in power generation and distribution. “I felt I could do some good representing the members of Lake Region Electric Cooperative,” he says, adding how he connected with the Cooperative’s mission of “keeping power safe, reliable, and reasonably priced.”

His experience as an electrical design engineer, systems engineer, and project manager for over 30 years with FMC/NOD, Rockwell, and John Deere, proved to be a valuable asset to the board during his tenure. Rydell also completed the Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) certification program through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). The CCD prepares directors to fulfill their fiduciary duty as elected officials serving on behalf of their membership. 

During his time on the board, Rydell witnessed many changes in the utility industry. One of the greatest challenges was the move to find more alternative sources of energy for electric power generation. He says he believes the solution to this challenge is to adopt a slower and more moderate approach to utilizing alternative energy sources.

“Electricity demands continue to grow, and we must meet them,” Rydell acknowledges. “As we move forward, new tools and inventions will impact the work of our linemen and other employees. Preventing faults before they can impact our distribution system and improving reliability are important.”

Looking back on the past decade and a half on the board, Rydell says one of the highlights was helping LREC steadily move into associated industries and investments that tie into the Cooperative’s electric power distribution. The hybrid wind/solar project, part-ownership in Carr’s Tree Service, and standby generator program are a few noteworthy examples.

“I hope I have served you well. I appreciate the votes of the members of District 4 of Lake Region Electric Cooperative. Thank you for your support,” Rydell concludes. “I have appreciated the chance to work with CEO Tim Thompson and the employees at Lake Region Electric Cooperative. They are a great group of people.”