Pelican Rapids fourth graders enlightened by visit to LREC headquarters
Laughter, endless questions and electricity-related stories filled Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC) on May 17 when fourth graders from Pelican Rapids took a field trip to the cooperative. Students were delighted to get an inside look at how an electric utility works, while also learning about electrical safety, safety gear, bucket trucks and more.
“Every time we have the chance to educate young people about electricity, we seize it,” said Paul Bergren, LREC’s superintendent. “Teaching our youth is a proactive way to promote electrical safety in our community.”
Bergren, along with Assistant Operations Superintendent Brian Johnson, guided the students through LREC’s facility. The young visitors were brimming with questions as they toured customer service, energy services, finance, dispatch and the warehouse. They were particularly fascinated by the safety gear linemen wear in the bucket trucks and when climbing a pole; especially when they watched classmates try on the gear.
“Watching their excitement and knowing they are learning about safety and electricity is great,” said Johnson. “We are making a difference and I hope that they will share what they learned today with their families.”
LREC is grateful for the opportunity to educate the community’s youth about electricity, electrical safety, and the history of electric cooperatives. A big thank you to the fourth graders for visiting!