2024 District Meetings are held by Lake Region Electric Cooperative

2024 District Meetings are held by Lake Region Electric Cooperative

District meetings for Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC) were held on January 4 and 5 for LREC Districts 1, 4 and 7 in Pelican Rapids, Dent and Fergus Falls, respectively. In District 1, incumbent and current Board Vice Chair Kurt Krueger was nominated as a director candidate. In District 4, Lee Mindemann and David Pawlowski…

$1.57 Million Capital Credit Retirement

$1.57 Million Capital Credit Retirement

Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC) is pleased to announce a combined retirement of $1.57 million in patronage capital credits for 2023. This marks the eleventh consecutive year that LREC has retired over $1 million in capital credits, a testament to the cooperative’s strong financial position.  This retirement is a direct result of LREC’s commitment to…

The Power of LREC Member Feedback // December 2023 CEO Column

The Power of LREC Member Feedback // December 2023 CEO Column

We recently completed our annual member satisfaction survey. Our survey provides an opportunity for members to share comments, and this feedback helps us serve you the way you deserve. We carefully review each comment to best equip our employees to respond to you in a timely manner, and to hopefully, whether now or in the…

Keeping LREC in Position to Serve You Now and in the Future // November 2023 CEO Column

Keeping LREC in Position to Serve You Now and in the Future // November 2023 CEO Column

LREC exists to serve our members and our communities. We are committed to providing safe, reliable, and affordable electricity and other energy-related services while improving the communities we serve. These services are delivered to you by the people at LREC who are committed to providing you with the best member experience possible. I am proud…

$20,250 awarded to local organizations by Lake Region Electric Cooperative

$20,250 awarded to local organizations by Lake Region Electric Cooperative

Funded by the contributions of Lake Region Electric Cooperative’s (LREC) generous members, the Operation Round Up (ORU) Board of Trustees recently awarded $20,250 to various community organizations. Within the monies awarded was LREC’s largest donation to an organization to date. The Humane Society of Otter Tail County (HSOTC) was the recipient of a $10,000 contribution…

Celebrating theCooperative Model During National Cooperative Month // October 2023 CEO Column

Celebrating theCooperative Model During National Cooperative Month // October 2023 CEO Column

LREC joins cooperatives across the country every October to celebrate National Cooperative Month. National Cooperative Month recognizes the cooperative difference and reminds all of us about LREC’s purpose. Minnesota was the first state to declare an official Co-op Month proclamation in 1948. Co-op Month has been a nationally recognized celebration since 1964, when U.S. Secretary…

MN Energy Assistance Program

MN Energy Assistance Program

Minnesota Energy Assistance ProgramMinnesota’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP) ensures low-income households, homeowners and renters, have affordable, continuous, and safe home energy. Additional funding is available for crisis situations, which keeps households from being disconnected or to help them get reconnected. There is also extra support offered for seniors of 60 years old, along with no…

Tim Thompson’s CEO Column // September 2023

Tim Thompson’s CEO Column // September 2023

When I check my Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) app on my phone, it regularly shows (with some variation) approximately 80%-90% of MISO’s electricity generation coming from coal, natural gas, and nuclear. The Real-Time Displays pictured to the right is a screenshot I took from the MISO app on August 15th, and it provides a…

Rate Change: Who, What, When, Why, and Where

Rate Change: Who, What, When, Why, and Where

Who:  All LREC members/all rate classes. What: Rate changes across all rate classes. The rate class relevant to many is the Residential/Farm which has the following changes: facility charge goes from $24 to $39 and energy rates (per kWh)  from 10.9¢ to 9.6¢ (12.2¢ to 11¢ for summer months of June, July, and August). When:  New…