At Lake Region Electric Cooperative, decision making is local. Our co-op policies and strategic imperatives are driven by the local directors who have been elected from and by their local peers. Directors are elected to three-year terms. Candidates are nominated at district meetings and then elected by members of the district they represent.

Kurt Krueger
- Pelican Rapids
- kkrueger@lrec.coop
Personal Details
I have lived in Manston Township-Wilkin County my entire life, other than for approximately 10 years while I attended college and while I worked as an Agricultural Loan Officer. I have been a farmer since 1996.
B.S. North Dakota State University – Agricultural Economics
Community Involvement
Minnesota Soybean Growers Association – Past Officer (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary), Manston Township – Supervisor, Minnesota Ag Water Resource Center – Past Treasurer, Christ Lutheran Church – Past Treasurer/Head Usher, Wilkin County Farm Service Agency – Past Chair
Why I Serve on LREC’s Board of Directors
My priority in serving as a director is to ensure that our LREC members continue to receive reliable, reasonably priced energy. While I am receptive to the continued development of newer energy forms, I want to be careful with transition from the current energy resources which have served our area for generations. I also look forward to the development of additional revenue sources LREC is pursuing and the Cooperative’s ability to serve our members in a beneficial manner.

Cecil “Bud” Hensel
- Frazee
- chensel@lrec.coop
Personal Details
I am married to Sharon (Schreiner) Hensel, born in Detroit Lakes, raised in Frazee, MN. We have four adult children and five grandchildren. We have lived in rural Frazee since 1993. I was born in Wallace, ID. I grew up in Spokane, WA and then returned to Wolf Lake, MN.
I attended Frazee High School. I received a BS degree in Physics from NDSU, then commissioned into the Air Force. In 1993, I joined the North Dakota Air National Guard (NDANG). In 1995, I became a commercial pilot for United Airlines. While a member of the NDANG, I served as Flight Commander, Operation Squadron Commander, Director of Air Operation for the State, Air Chief of Staff for the State, Member of the National Guard Bureau Strategic Planning Committee, and Assistant Adjutant General for Air.
Community Involvement
I am a member of Sacred Heart Parish and have served on the pastoral council as chairman. I am a member of Knights of Columbus Council 12581 and currently the Grand Knight.

Mike Brasel
- Perham
- mbrasel@lrec.coop
Personal Details
I live outside of Perham in Corliss Township with my wife, Kim, and three boys. I was born and raised near Perham. My career started in the U.S. Navy as an electrician and operator aboard two nuclear powered ships serving for six years.
I earned my degree in Mechanical Engineering and furthered my education with a Masters in Business Administration. I worked for Dairyland Power Cooperative in La Crosse, WI for over 10 years where I held positions of Project Manager and Power Plant Manager.
Career/Community Involvement
I am currently the Director, Supply Chain Development at NuScale Power, responsible for supplier development and manufacturing of nuclear reactors, instrumentation and controls, and special lifting devices for new small modular nuclear power plants. I currently serve on the Perham Health Hospital District Board where I am on the Executive and Finance Committees and the Perham Health Foundation.

Lee Mindemann
- Dent
- lmindemann@lrec.coop
Personal Details
My wife and I have resided in Star Lake Twp. Since 2009. We are both originally from Kindred, ND. We have two sons and three grandsons in Fargo.
1967-71 Moorhead State College – B.A. -Mass Communications; and NDSU – Army ROTC with commission upon graduation. I served six years in the Army with the last four in U.S. Army-Europe.
Work History
1978-2007: Upon return to the U.S., I accepted a role with The Procter & Gamble Company in Sales/Customer Business Development. I called upon dozens of corporate customers, mostly across the southern United States, and hired and trained unknown numbers of P&G employees.
Community Involvement
We are lifelong Lutherans and are current members at Calvary Lutheran in Perham where I have served on several committees. I am a former Scoutmaster, Township Officer, and am currently active with the Star Lake Assoc. I also serve as a County Election Judge.
Why I Serve on LREC’s Board of Directors
I feel LREC is a best-in-class company supplying our region’s power needs now and into the future—a future that is facing immense challenges due to climate, regulatory, and societal change. I feel my leadership and management experience will be a good resource to LREC.

Patrick Meyers
- Detroit Lakes
- pmeyers@lrec.coop
Personal Details
My wife Emily and I have three children. I grew up on my family’s farm in North Dakota. I’m now a resident of Dunn Township, Otter Tail County, where I own and operate my farm. I also assist with my wife’s family resort, Fair Hills, on Pelican Lake.
I graduated from high school in Hunter, ND and Le Cordon Bleu in Mendota Heights, MN.
Why I Serve on
LREC’s Board of Directors
I want to see LREC members continue to receive the level of service they deserve today. I am a team player and an independent thinker. I understand the value of all businesses, large and small, and the contributions they make to our economy. Affordable power is a key component to their success.

Charlie Blixt
- Erhard
- cblixt@lrec.coop
Personal Details
My wife Elaine and I have been married 44 years and have three adult children and seven grandchildren. I live in Friberg Township and have been a member of LREC for 37 years. I graduated from Augsburg College.
I have been employed 35 years with USI Insurance, formerly CHS Insurance, as an insurance broker providing commercial business insurance and business risk management services to large commercial agribusiness co-ops, petroleum co-ops, and private businesses. I work with co-op managers and boards. I also taught school and coached for 5 years.
Community Involvement
I was on the Pelican Rapids School Board for 11 years, 2 of which I was president. I have served as president for two church councils, Trinity Lutheran Church in Pelican Rapids (current council member) and Tonseth Lutheran Church. In addition, I was the Pelican Rapids Scout Master for 10 years, helping more than 60 boys become Eagle Scouts.

Tom Jennen
- Fergus Falls
- tjennen@lrec.coop
Personal Details
I have lived in the Fergus Falls area all my life.
I am a graduate of Fergus Falls High School and graduated from Alexandria AVTI in Production Ag.
Community Involvement
I started farming in 1976 and, together with my wife Debra, raised four children. The farm has gone full circle as our two oldest sons are now managing the farm. Throughout my farming career, I served on several farm related boards and our church council.
Why I Serve on LREC’s Board of Directors
Serving the last nine years on the LREC board has been a rewarding experience and I would be honored to do so for another term. I am confident I can represent the members and successfully lead LREC into the future. Deb and I are enjoying our 15 grandchildren!

Jim Gronbeck
- Battle Lake
- jgronbeck@lrec.coop
Personal Details
I am married to Julie Gronbeck and we have three grown/married children and eight wonderful grandchildren. I have served on the board and as a volunteer at the Battle Lake Food Shelf. I am a member of the Battle Lake Lions Club and a board member at the Matthew House in Fergus Falls. We are members of First Lutheran Church, Battle Lake.
I am a graduate of Henning High School, Fergus Falls Community College, Moorhead State University, and Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN. I served as Pastor at Bethany / Bethlehem Parish, Cromwell, MN, and at Zion Lutheran of Amor, Battle Lake.
Why I Serve on LREC’s Board of Directors
I’ve been a member of LREC since 1992, and as a newly retired person I look forward to new learning opportunities and experiences. I hope to use my experiences to represent District 8 and make a positive contribution to our electric cooperative.

Gary Olson
- Parkers Prairie
- garyolson@lrec.coop
Personal Details
I was born into a farm family and have farmed in the Parkers Prairie area most of my life. My wife and I have one grown son.
Graduate of Parkers Prairie High School; Associate Degree in carpentry, Alexandria AVTI
Community Involvement
First Lutheran Church, Parkers Prairie, active member, past council president; Lions Club, past president, active member; Parkers Prairie Hospital, board member; Prairie Pine Mutual Insurance Co., board president; Represented East Otter Tail in Red River Valley Emerging Leadership Program
Why I Serve on LREC’s Board of Directors
LREC has taken care of our family and farm electric needs for years and, more recently, our natural gas needs. I would like to use my trust in LREC and be of service to LREC as it makes decisions to generate energy in ways that are good for our members and our earth.

Tim Thompson
- Pelican Rapids
- tthompson@lrec.coop
Tim Thompson is in his 16th year as chief executive officer of Lake Region Electric Cooperative in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota. During Tim’s tenure as CEO of Lake Region Electric Cooperative, the cooperative has focused on safety, rate stability, reliability, equity, and innovation. Ten years prior to Tim becoming Lake Region Electric Cooperative’s CEO, he served Freeborn Mower Electric Cooperative in Albert Lea—first as its assistant CEO, then as its CEO. Tim is a past chair of the NRECA Strategic Technology Advisory Council and currently serves as a RESCO Board Member for the State of Minnesota. He holds a finance degree from Iowa State University and an MBA from Jacksonville State University.
If you are interested in becoming a director, please refer to Article 4, Section 4.3-Director Qualifications of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to learn about our nominating procedures and director qualifications.