Lake Region Electric Cooperative hosted the third annual Energy Forum on May 30, 2024, at Thumper Pond in Ottertail, Minnesota. To view the forum, please watch the video below.

2024 Speakers & Topics
  • Welcome – Tim Thompson, CEO, LREC
  • Moderator – Jeff Haase, Director of Members Services, DER & End Use Strategy, GRE
  • Where we’re at, where we’re going (virtual)– Jim Matheson, CEO, NRECA
  • Legislation update – Darrick Moe, CEO, MREA
  • GRE’s energy portfolio – Zac Ruzycki, Director of Resource Planning, GRE
  • Hydropower – Jim Horan, Mid-West Electric Consumers Association
  • Transmission future (virtual)– Priti Patel, Vice President & Chief Transmission Officer, GRE
  • Providing affordable and reliable energy (virtual) – Jon Brekke, VP & Chief Power Supply Officer, GRE
  • Current and future impacts of electric vehicles – Steve Nisbet, EV Program Director, MN Automobile Dealers Association

Breakout sessions
-Electric vehicles (GRE, LREC, and Steve Nisbet)
-Battery Storage and generators (Briggs & Stratton)
-LREC local options: generators, water heaters, and solar